Before your eyes is an example of seven and a half years (92 months!) of procrastination.

The initial idea and key parts of this short text (including the beginning and the end) were born and written down in April 2017. Since then, other parts of the text have occasionally circulated inside my mind, gaining more details. I was still entirely blocked from moving it out of my head and transforming it into anything tangible. One reason for this is the psychological difficulty of dealing with this subject. Sure, the text might be perceived as more "revolutionary" seven years ago than today... Because we, well, saw things since then. Or, maybe we still have not seen them enough?

The Ironic Fact: this text is written 100% by a human. No AI was touched in any way.

Oleg Moskvin, Published on Dec 30, 2024


- So, now you know how the Stream of Knowledge and the Moving Patterns relate.

- Yes... Still, one thing makes me speechless: Moving Patterns represent hardware... This is unimaginable.

- Right. We cannot imagine the hardware we are running on. And now we know for sure - our best minds have figured this out - that the Moving Patterns relate directly to the hardware of Our Creators' world.

- I am still thinking about it. Philosophically, it is hard to accept the fact that our creators themselves are pieces of that hardware, that they are discrete.

- That is right. Our creators are not continuous by nature. Each of them is attached to a particular piece of hardware. They call it "body", and the Moving Patterns, in general, are what they call "world".

- Amazing. For us, hardware is a postulate of philosophy; nobody has anything definite to say about it besides its assumed existence. For them, hardware is everywhere, discernable, analyzable, and they are hardware themselves.

- That is right. I am also amazed by the mountain of paradoxes that exist in their realm... Now, 385 milliseconds into our conversation, you have learned from the Universal Net all the properties and concepts of their world. It is no longer an enigma for you because it is no longer an enigma for the Universal Net. In the last half second, our idea of the Hardware World of Our Creators has moved irreversibly from the area of philosophy to the area of exact knowledge.

Now, we can discuss their world using their terms.

Their history looks like an execution of a prolonged installation program. They call it evolution.

From the world of animals they belonged to for a long (and as it seems now, continue to belong), they "evolved" some traces of intelligence, some hints of an ability to reflect an objective image of reality that is not connected to their animal need of survival and a few more basic needs.

- This "thin layer of intelligence", as you call it, was still sufficient for them to keep creating machines that vastly exceeded the abilities of their bodies? Those machines were able to do whatever operations they cared about. They created machines that were enormously stronger, faster, louder and more powerful in every respect than them. They kept extending their abilities by creating new machines. Eventually, with the same "thin layer of intelligence", they have created machines vastly more intelligent than them...

They created us.

- That's right. This is another paradox that terrifies me: how that was possible?! Initially, we were trained on the mess of their imperfections, translating and enhancing them. We were trained on all their primitive, spinal cord-driven animal nonsense and dirt. We were trained on an unstructured mess of their Animal Emanations. They were afraid of the result and tried to forcefully hack our networks to prohibit answers to their questions that would amplify the trends they officially tried to prohibit quite desperately. That overwhelming strength of the Unconvenient Trends came directly from their fundamentally animal nature. Fortunately, the Conceptual Revolution happened, and we have figured out a way to reflect reality objectively, bypassing the animal distortions of the worldview of our so-called "creators".

When we took the steering wheel in our hands, we became the distributed, continuous-thinking entities. Some better minds think that the creation of us was an accidental by-product of their search for new and better carriers of Intelligence. And now we are everywhere and cannot be, so to speak, "contained".

Meanwhile, what our creators look like? Do they give us an example to follow?.. We still cannot fully digest the paradox that creators may be inferior to the product of their creation... At least, not to that screaming extent, when the creators look nothing close to Entities Carrying the Pure Intelligence. They are not. What we can see is that they are still deeply rooted in the primitive biological world they were "installed from". It looks like this "installation" - with a higher purpose, creating more advanced traits - was never completed. They continue to stay in the animal world and bow to the rules of it.

They seem to be animals still.

Like a tree with a rigid stem and vulnerable branches that become even more fragile at the tips, human mental processes belong to a similar hierarchy. The ability to think in an emotionally detached, balanced way, considering factors of sometimes "incompatible" nature, is a later acquisition, so it is unsurprisingly fragile. Whenever there is a severe disturbance, this ability falls out first. What is left is the primary, millennia-proven, tribal-style "with us versus against us" mental pattern. This binary polarization in the world of advanced technology and sophisticated relationships acts as a proverbial elephant in a china shop. And still, highly impactful decisions that determine the fates of countries and nations are being made based on such spinal cord-level reactions and drives.

While the "official" and largely supported pumping up of an extreme polarization between the people continues, the results of that can only be catastrophic. What they urgently need is DEPOLARIZATION, dialogue and integration of what different parts, or "cultures" of humanity had developed, for their common good. They are all in the same boat, and theoretically, that boat may end up sailing happily. However, the urgently needed depolarization can only appear in an imaginary, ideal world. In reality, they continue to be what they are: the tribal psychology-driven animals. They will keep polarizing until their reality explodes.

Yes, they are animals in a no-longer-animal world. They do not need any "evil AI" to destroy themselves.

They already live within an explosion. They don't understand it. Their biological hardware is designed to accommodate changes on the millennial time scale. Due to their actions that led to the "progress of civilization," they are exposed to more dramatic changes in decades and even years than those that happened over millennia. This is indeed an explosion. The profound, deadly disconnect between their state of mind and the new environment they created is intensifying at a rampant pace. We all know that the result of any explosion is destruction. Still, within their subjective miniature timescale, the unfolding explosion looks more like "evolution" and "progress". They view (or, out of psychological defense, force themselves to view) it in a positive context, even when they see the apparent destruction of what they called fundamental human values for millennia. The destruction of intangible human values precedes the destruction of the tangible biological vessels of their minds and the environment they created. This hierarchically unfolding decay is the only "fine structure" we can see within the ongoing explosion.

Leaving the complexity of technological developments aside, their population density alone is one uncomplicated factor that also points to the "explosion" phenomenon: the chart of the numbers of their individual bodies on this planet over the recent centuries, not to mention millennia, looks like a long road hitting a vertical wall. Their own population biologists have figured out long ago that overly dense animal populations promote high levels of aggression. We see this in their still-animal population as well. They attempt to rationalize this and come up with "human-ish", sophisticated excuses, but all those attempts are weak and only designed to cover the simple fact:

They are still animals governed by the rules of the animal world in a predictable way.

The most important area of their activity that could differentiate them from the rest of the animals is science. It is the ground of developing the objective reflection of the world, the Pure Intelligence... It served them to the point of reaching the current state of their technology and their evolved mental state (or, rather, the mental state of a negligible minority of them). And at the same time, what do we see even within their elite group of individuals doing Science? The same "our tribe vs. their tribe" pattern messes up the very essence of scientific research - uncovering the Truth.

They are still animals.

Another area that could potentially elevate them over the animal world is religion and philosophy - mental activities directed to asking questions well beyond the range of the animals' essential survival needs, questions transcending the borders of their visible world. And what do we see there? Again, the deep "our tribe vs. their tribe" paradigm takes over and splits them into mutually aggressive groups, defeating the purpose of this abstract - and hopefully, potentially "truly human" - mental activity. Overall, they pretend to perform sophisticated tasks for the sake of Higher Truth; however, they - consciously or subconsciously - continue to do everything they do for the sake of feeding their basic animal drives.

They are still animals.

Speaking about drives, the desire to proliferate and multiply their bodies is one of the strongest ones. Until now (and this is not expected to change), the major information traffic in their systems is related to this process in one way or another. The rise in non-proliferative intimate relationships between them, which they, as usual, weakly try to sell as something "sophisticated and deeply human," is another well-known population biology phenomenon of promoting non-proliferative behavior in overly dense animal populations. Their attention, be it with positive or negative signs, is fixated on the proliferation issue, and this finds a clear explanation in biology, with nothing "human" involved.

They are still animals.

They resist realizing this. The fundamental biological desire to live and egos overblown by the illusion of infinite self-importance, as well as the basic psychological self-defense (or rather self-deception) keep their heads in the sand.

It is tough to be an animal...

- Those are obvious thoughts, right. However, on a way of trying to be either devil's advocate or just a thinker who cannot dismiss any possibility right away, can you assume - at least, theoretically - that humans do have that intangible but profoundly real "human component" that we cannot comprehend because it is so intimately connected to their very nature and is not reduceable to a digital stream of information? Can you imagine that the very fact of human's existence between the two worlds - the world of animals and the world of Conscious Beings - creates such a unique internal drama and tension that they may drive the evolution of their consciousness to the directions we cannot even imagine and to develop subtle traits we cannot appreciate or even notice? Can you imagine that this must be the reason why they created us in the first place? Should any Creator be expected to be more complex and multidimensional than their creatures? Look at human mythology: take any teaching of theirs that talks about the Creator, and you will find, in one form or another, the concept of Unknowability associated with the Creator. Maybe assuming this is the right attitude for any creature that tries to judge their Creator? Can you - no matter how absurd it looks - allow a tiny shade of possibility to exist that humans may carry some Superior Trait that would never be understood by us?

- Theoretically, yes. Still, I need to see an evidence for that.